Monday, July 26, 2010

Book Signing 7-31-10 Barnes&Noble Wilmington,N.C.

Robert D. Bibb, M.D.

A book about how dairy causes cancer. A book about how you can protect yourself and your children against this disease.
A book about how you might cure your own ca
ncer. A book that is connected to a blog that will constantly provide you with updates for free.

Take a look at the blog:


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stop the Estrogen Tidal Wave by a Nuisance Vine

I talked in earlier blogs about how 16 alpha hydroxyestrone(16alphaC) is formed from the ingestion of estrone in dairy products. I warned you that this estrogen (16alphaC) was likely responsible for the carcinogenic effects of dairy products on breast cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancers. I further reminded you that a substrate induces its enzyme. In our case estrone causes an enzyme called CYP1B1 be be manufactured and 16 alpha hydroxyestrone is created. This is the body's attempt to get rid of estrone. The unfortunate result is the creation of an estrogenic compound (16alphaC) which likely causes cancer. 16alphaC is also very inflammatory and may play a role in autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Although the greatest source of estrogens causing cancer is certainly from dairy there are other sources. Estrogen is in our water supply from agricultural runoff from animal urine and feces. Women and men urinating natural estrogens into the sewer system or those taken as birth control pill eventually find their way back into the water supply.

Other than stopping dairy, how can we protect ourselves from the tidal wave of estrogens entering our bodies?

The answer lies in a nuisance vine called Kudzu. It was imported to control erosion of our soil but now chokes out native plants. It is the sinner that may become a saint. It contains a chemical that stimulates an enzyme called CYP1A1. This enzyme converts estrone into an estrogen called 2 hydroyxestrone(2C). This enzyme competes for estrone and converts it into(2C). 2C blocks the effects of 16alpha and effectively decreases the chance of getting cancer.It can be taken in capsule form. I advise 4000 mg a day. It is likely to have positive benefits in those already suffering from cancer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Book Signing

I will be signing and talking about my book at Barnes and Noble in Wilmington, North Carloina on July 31, 2010.

The Diaper or the Diet

As the evidence mounts that dairy consumption causes the cancers of the prostate and breast, a person must make a choice as to what they may do:

1. Continue to eat dairy or run the risk that surgery may leave them incontinent, requiring the use of a diaper.

2. Continue to consume dairy and run the risk of losing a breast.

3. Worry about the return of these cancers by continuing the use of dairy products.

Pendleton in Paris

One of my colleagues has posed a question about acne. My work on dairy and cancer was inspired by the work of Dr. William Daby. Dr. Danby holds an associate professorship at Dartmouth Scholl of Medicine and has wriiten about the negative impacts that dairy have on acne. Since Dr. Danby's lecture almost ten years ago, I have advised that all my patients seeking tretment for acne, consider disconuing dairy consumption In some patients,it has resulted in complete clearing and in others some benefit has resulted.-Robert D. Bibb, M.D.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sixteen Alpha Hydroxyestrone

This estrogen deserves its own private blog. I will give homage to this killer estrogen. I mentioned in a previous blog entry that 16 alpha hydroxyestone is derived from estrone through the conversion enzyme CYP1B1. This enzyme has been found in high concentations in prostate and breast cancer tissue. It becomes active when stimulated to develop in increased quantities by its substrate (estrone). Although estrone is made naturally in the body of men and women it is contained in very high amounts in water soluble dairy products ( fat free dairy products).

What makes it such a dangerous estrogen is the fact that it binds to estrogen receptors alpha (bad) and it binds in such a fashion as to almost never dissociate from this receptor. It is a major stimulant of cell growth and is likely the estrogen of concern in causing cancer of the breast, prostate and ovaries.

Now let me tell you a very interesting and true story. A major university respected for the quality of its faculty and research production performed a study in Mongolia. Teenage men and women wer given certain quantities of milk over a one month period. These test subjects were chosen because they almost never consume dairy. All known estrogen levels in blood and urine were measured before and during the milk consumption test. These researchers were about to write a paper concerning their results. I became involved when a friend of theirs and mine called me and expressed concern that they may have misinterpreted their data. My friend arranged a four way call between these researchers, myself and my friend and an estrogen metabolite expert retired from this same prestigous university. The two researchers were about to claim that dairy was safe because the blood levels of estrone dropped in the test subjects during the course of the study. I had examined their data with their permission and realized that they had made a critical error in interpretation of their data. Although the estrone levels had dropped, the 16 alpha hydroxyestrone levels had increased dramatically. It became immediately apparent taht the estrone dropped because it had been converted into the very dangerous estrogen: 16 alpha hydroxyestrone.The retired estorgen metabolism PhD agreed. So their you have it, when humans consume milk, they convert the dairy estrogens into a carciogenic estrogen.

16 alpha hydroxyestrone has also been implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases. What a nightmare!

A person can help their autoimmune diseases by stopping dairy consumption and consuming Kudzu. Kudzu stimulates an enzyme called CYP1A1 that converts estrone into a "good" estrogen known as 2-hydroxyestrone. Start your path to better health. Stop consuming dairy now! Get to the health food store and buy Kudzu capsules. Take 1000 mg ,four a day.-Robert D. Bibb, M.D.